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Info My Services

My Services

I utilize digital image manipulation services by creative talent and manual abilities with the most advanced tools of the latest software. All tasks are tested for completeness before uploading to the InLippingPath site. All tasks are carefully processed with the level of quality that clients deserve. The technical and capital costs for most graphics designs and prepress homes are almost the same as ours, but the competitive advantage comes from the low labor cost. offers various image processing, prepress publishing, and web development outsourcing services.
I'm provide clipping path service to the following categories: General, Medium, Complex, Super complex (Hour Rate) sections. In addition to the clipping path (Photoshop vector masking) option, we also provide multiple Photoshop masking and image background customization services for alpha channel masking (Photoshop raster masking), color correction, shadow shaping and drop shadow.
I have a handful of talented graphic artists who can create a logo that differentiates a person in a particular market. The goal is always to create a unique logo design to represent the identity and objectives of an organization.

Clipping Path Services
➤Simple Clipping Path
➤Basic Clipping Path
➤Clipping Path with shadow
➤Compound Clipping Path
➤Complex Clipping Path
➤Multi Clipping Path
➤Super Complex Clipping Path
➤Extra Clipping Path

Image Manipulation Services
➤Photoshop Masking
➤Image Retouching
➤Color Correction
Background Remove

Design Services
➤Ad Design
➤Logo design, 
➤Banner Design
➤Raster to vector

Web Design & Development
➤Template Design
➤Template Customize
➤Web Design
➤Web Development

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